Other support care

Social Service
During your illness, you may be confronted with specific questions or difficulties for which the intervention of the social service could prove useful. Thanks to its knowledge of the legislation and the social network, the hospital's social service can inform you of your rights and obligations in various matters, direct you to the competent institutions and professionals, assist you in complex procedures or even intervene on your behalf with other organizations. The fields of competence of the hospital's social service include, but are not limited to
- social security
- the health and disability insurance sector for questions related to: work incapacity and disability, resumption or maintenance of professional activity, reimbursement of health care costs, family allowances (e.g.: increased intervention in the event of a serious illness in a child), the National Employment Office (e.g.: various time-credit formulas, recognition of loss of autonomy related to illness (allowances, social and tax benefits, etc.), social and financial aid granted under certain conditions, in particular by the CPAS (Public Social Welfare Centers)
- the organization of pre-, per- and post-hospitalization: a convalescence stay, a care or revalidation stay after a hospitalization, the continuity of care at home and the orientation towards volunteer services for transportation to the hospital.
Do not hesitate to contact a member of the team if necessary.
All appointments can be made through the secretariat of the social service of the University Clinics during working hours.
Spiritual crossroad
The King Albert II Institute, the cancer and haematology institute of the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, adheres to its motto: a hospital "for life".
The caregivers who welcome patients and their families wish to support them during the demanding period of illness. They consider, in agreement with the chaplains and advisors of the various religions and philosophies linked to the teams, that a patient is and remains a living person, much more than a body or an organ to be treated, that suffering is not only a fatality to be endured, that in the very place of fragility, life can emerge in an often unpredictable way.
To support their life goals and help them through this ordeal, we invite them to energize the resources that come from their history or their reflections, and to give room to their spiritual life.
Chaplains and counselors recognized by Saint-Luc (*) can contribute to this. In this spirit, they offer to meet patients as human beings, with respect and at the various moments of their personal journey; to connect them to what others, before them, have taught them about the creative and trusting force of human beings; to welcome what they discover themselves or what is difficult for them; to visit with them, if they so wish, the treasures of religious or spiritual traditions: interiority, meditation, peace, rereading of their life course and the great inherited texts, meaning or questioning, faith sharing, prayer, ritual gestures, etc.
Those who support the patient in ordinary times: family network, friends, local community, parish, etc. are also very important.
To make an appointment or simply to meet them, consult the site
The Cancer Foundation

The Cancer Foundation offers a variety of services. These range from psycho-social support to more practical interventions such as the help of a clinical beautician.
The Cancer Foundation has also put the "Cancerphone" at your disposal: 0800-15.800. For more information, visit their website.
Children of Salus Sanguinis

At the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Woluwé, we help children and young people with leukemia, blood cancer or malignant tumors to get through the disease without giving up what makes them tick.
Despite the illness, the child must remain a child.
Living as before

Live Like You Used to is a movement led by former patients. They are volunteers who strive to provide moral and practical support to breast cancer patients. These volunteers visit the clinic, leave documentation about the disease as well as contact information for future contacts and advice. In addition, conferences and meetings are organized throughout the country. For information call 02-736.99.99 or visit their website.
Visit the websiteCancer and psychology

Cancer and Psychology is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide psychological support to people with cancer and their families. It is run by a team of psychologists and psychotherapists as well as a team of volunteers. This association raises public awareness of the psychological aspects of cancer through its magazines and the organization of conferences. For more information call 02-735.16.97 or visit their website
Visit the websiteThe "Jeremy Fund"

The "Jeremy Fund" was created following the cure of Hodgkin's disease in 2006. The aim of this fund is twofold: to finance the adult haematology department in the new building of the King Albert II Institute and to have a concrete action within the different units (unit 52, unit 56 and the day hospital) of this same adult haematology department in order to contribute to a better quality of life of the patients and the nursing staff.
You can discover their activities via the website or the Facebook page.

Mymu is a Belgian (Wallonia-Brussels) association of multiple myeloma patients.
It supports all activities likely to contribute to the well-being of patients with this disease, organizes information sessions on the disease, and brings together and defends the interests of patients who so desire. It also establishes contacts and relays with university hospitals and others in Wallonia and Brussels as well as with other national or international groups dealing with multiple myeloma. For more information, visit their website.
The mutilated voice
The primary goal of the Association Francophone des Mutilés de la Voix de Belgique is to promote active solidarity among laryngectomees and to do everything possible to facilitate their vocal rehabilitation and thus their reintegration into their family and professional environment. All services provided by the association are voluntary.
Visits by a qualified surgeon, at the clinic and at home. Loan of equipment and all forms of assistance.
Adresse: Chaussée de Louvain, 479 à 1030 SCHAERBEEK
Quartier DAILLY.
Téléphone: + 32 2742 03 95 / +32 473 49 08 80